I am so excited to share this shoot! I was brought to Kyla through my friend Amy(and her daughter Avery) with Texas Teen Models Official Magazine to for their August Special Issue – Black Lives Matter edition. Amy approached me back in May to collab with a model. I had no idea who it would be, but was so blessed when I met Kyla! She is a senior at Rockwall High School and an a capella singer(soprano) in her school choir! I have always wanted to go to the beautiful Rockwall Harbor, so we headed out there and got to work!
Because of COVID, we weren’t able to talk that much behind our masks, but fortunately for all of us she wrote her story down! I usually use this time to post the gallery of our images, but I think you should read her story, and I hope it changes your perspective on what our kids are going through even in our own city, and hopefully it changes you! Check it out below.

Thanks Amy for letting me in on this shoot! I had fun. If you’re interested in senior photos checked out my Portfolio and Contact Me!